Works-in-Progress : Call for Participation

Quick Facts

  • Submission Deadline: 7 January 2014 (5:00pm PT)
  • Online Submission: PCS Submission System
  • Notification Date: 10 February 2014
  • Camera-Ready Deadline: 16 February 2014
  • Submission Format: A six-page poster abstract prepared in Extended Abstract Format and thoroughly copy-edited. Submissions are not anonymous and should include all author names, affiliations, and contact information. Your poster design should be reduced to one standard letter page in size and submitted in PDF format. Both documents should be submitted via the PCS submission system.
  • Selection process: Juried
  • At the Conference: Accepted submissions will be presented as a poster during the conference. Please see the Information for Poster Presenters.
  • After the Conference: Extended Abstracts (DVD and ACM Digital Library).

Message from the Works-in-Progress Chairs

We encourage practitioners and researchers to submit Works-in-Progress as it provides a unique opportunity for sharing valuable ideas, eliciting useful feedback on early-stage work, and fostering discussions and collaborations among colleagues. Accepted submissions will be presented as a poster at the conference and made available to the CHI community as a six-page poster abstract in the Extended Abstracts proceedings.

Shelly Farnham (Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, USA)
Shamsi Iqbal (Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, USA)
Shaun Lawson (University of Lincoln, UK).

What is a Work-in-Progress?

A Work-in-Progress is a concise report of recent findings or other types of innovative or thought-provoking work relevant to the CHI community. The difference between Works-in-Progress and other contribution types (e.g. papers and notes) is that Work-in-Progress submissions represents work that has not reach a level of completion that would warrant the full Refereed selection process. That said, appropriate submissions should make some contribution to the body of HCI knowledge, whether realized or promised. A significant benefit of a Work-in-Progress derives from the discussion between the author and conference attendees that will be fostered by the face-to-face presentation of the work.

This submission category aims to attract participation from a broad range of disciplines covering a spectrum of topics and methodologies. We encourage submissions from all of CHI's communities. Summaries of completed work or reduced versions of short or full paper submissions are inappropriate as a Work-in-Progress submission and will be rejected. Submissions may include, but are not limited to, the following types of work:

  • Evaluations of systems, techniques, practices or other phenomena relevant to HCI.
  • Descriptions of new methods, processes, techniques, or tools for use in interactive system design, development or deployment.
  • Reflections from practice, including lessons learned or principles derived from real-word experiences and backed by thought-provoking and well-substantiated analyses.
  • Accounts of the design (rationale, process, outcomes and/or evaluation) of innovative applications, user interfaces, or systems.

Work-in-Progress abstracts appear in the CHI Extended abstracts. Copyright is retained by the authors, and the material from them can be used as the basis for future publications as long as there are "significant" revisions from the original.

For more information on the republishability of material appearing at CHI, along with links to relevant ACM policies, please see the section on Republishability on the main CHI CFP.

Preparing and Submitting your Work-in-Progress

Work-in-Progress submissions consist of two related documents. Missing either document will result in an automatic rejection.

  • A six-page poster abstract prepared in the Extended Abstract Format and submitted as a PDF file. Your poster abstract should be camera-ready and thoroughly copy-edited. Work-in-Progress submissions are not anonymous and should therefore include all author names, affiliations and contact information. Please note: Any submission longer than 6 pages and not adhering to the Extended Abstract Format will be automatically rejected.
  • An electronic version of the poster that you will present at the conference. For the review process, your poster should be reduced to one standard page in size and submitted as a PDF file. Please note that the physical posters presented at the conference may not be larger than 4 feet by 4 feet.

Due to the short review cycle, there should be nearly no changes between your submissions and the camera-ready final documents, except in rare circumstances.

Both the poster abstract and the poster should communicate:

  • A concise description of the work
  • Implications of the work for the CHI community
  • Recommendations for further investigation and/or incorporation into practice

Work-in-Progress Selection Process

Work-in-Progress submissions will be selected by a jury process. The process has been designed to acknowledge the early-stage nature of the work. All submissions are considered confidential during the review process.

Review Criteria

Each submission will be reviewed on the following criteria:

  1. Significance: How important is the problem or question that this submission addresses? How important is the output of this work in contributing to the identified problem or question? How greatly can others benefit from this work?
  2. Originality: How novel is the contribution? How clearly does the submission communicate the ways that it differs from and goes beyond the most relevant previous work in this area? (Note that for a Work-in-Progress submission, full literature searches are not expected, although the most relevant citations should be included.)
  3. Validity: How appropriate are the chosen methods for the work being undertaken? How well are the submission's claims and conclusions supported by the results?
  4. Written Presentation: How clear and understandable is the writing in the poster abstract? To what extent does the poster abstract conform to all Extended Abstract formatting requirements and the 6-page limit?
  5. Visual Presentation (The Poster): How well does the design of the poster effectively communicate the most important facets of the work? To what degree is the design of the poster likely to draw in an audience?
  6. Ability of the Work to Engender Discussion: To what degree will the presentation of this work stimulate interesting conversation among researchers or practitioners? To what extent will the presenters benefit from being able to discuss their work and receive feedback at this stage?

Upon Acceptance of your Work-in-Progress Submission

Work-in-Progress authors will be notified of acceptance. If a submission is accepted to appear at the conference, the contact person will receive further instructions regarding the inclusion of their poster abstract in the Extended Abstracts, as well as instructions for the poster presentation at the conference.

At the Conference

Authors will be expected to attend the conference and will be assigned a time and location to present their poster to conference attendees. Work-in-progress submissions whose authors are not at the conference to present their poster may be withdrawn from the ACM Digital Library. Please see the Information for Poster Presenters.

After the Conference

Accepted Work-in-Progress poster abstracts will be distributed in the CHI Extended Abstracts, distributed by the conference and in the ACM Digital Library, where they will remain accessible to researchers and practitioners worldwide.


Elena Agapie, Microsoft Research, USA
Florian Alt, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Saleema Amershi, Microsoft Research, USA
Michelle Annett, University of Alberta, Canada
Saeideh Bakhshi, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Rebecca Balebako, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Scott Bateman, University of Prince Edward Island, Canada
Thirimachos Bourlai, West Virginia University, USA
Kelly Caine, Clemson University, USA
Simon Caton, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Jessica Cauchard, University of Bristol, UK
Liwei Chan, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Thomas Chesney, University of Nottingham, UK
Eun Kyoung Choe, University of Washington, USA
Martin Chorley, Cardiff University, UK
David Coyle, University of Bristol, UK
Nicola Dell, University of Washington, USA
Audrey Desjardins, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Tanja Döring, University of Bremen, Germany
Honglu Du, PARC, USA
David England, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Sarah Fdili Alaoui, Univ Paris Sud / Ircam / Limsi-CNRS, France
Derek Foster, University of Lincoln, UK
Dustin Freeman, University of Toronto, Canada
Kathrin Gerling, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Emilien Ghomi, Université Paris-Sud, France
Steven Gomez, Brown University, USA
Elizabeth Goodman, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Sukeshini Grandhi, Eastern Connecticut State University, USA
Valentina Grigoreanu, Microsoft, USA
Joshua Hailpern, HP Labs, USA
Margeret Hall, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Benjamin Hanrahan, Xerox Research Centre Europe
Kurtis Heimerl, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Wolfgang Hochleitner, Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences
Germaine Irwin, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA
Yvonne Jansen, Université Paris-Sud, France
Christian Janssen, Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute, USA
Chandrika Jayant, Intel, USA
Sanjay Kairam, Stanford University, USA
Konstantinos Kazakos, Newcastle University, UK
Sarah Kettley, Nottingham Trent University
Rohit Khot, RMIT University, Australia
Taemie Kim, Sociometric Solutions, USA
Stephen Kimani, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya
Nicholas Kong, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Sven Kratz, FX Palo Alto Laboratory, USA
Michael Lankes, Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences
Janne Lindqvist, Rutgers University, USA
Conor Linehan, University of Lincoln, UK
Xiaojuan Ma, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Diana MacLean, Stanford University, USA
Clara Mancini, The Open University, UK
Jennifer Marlow, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
William Marsh, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, France
Justin Matejka, Autodesk Research, Canada
Sarah Mennicken, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Michael Nebeling, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Janne Paavilainen, University of Tampere, Finland
Tyler Pace, Indiana University Bloomington, USA
Pablo Paredes, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Sun Young Park, University of California, Irvine, USA
Esben Pedersen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Mary Pietrowicz, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Thomas Pietrzak, Université Lille 1, France
Scott Pobiner, Parsons The New School for Design, USA
Mario Romero, KTH, Sweden
Elisa Rubegni, Università della Svizzera, Italy
Alireza Sahami Shirazi, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Guarionex Salivia, Minnesota State University, USA
Carmen Santoro, ISTI-CNR, Italy
Moushumi Sharmin, University of Memphis, USA
John Shearer, Newcastle University
Lucio Davide Spano, ISTI-CNR, Italy
Bongwon Suh, Seoul National University, S Korea
Maarten Thissen, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands
Jayson Turner, Lancaster University, UK
Heli Väätäjä, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Wesley Willett, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Marco Winckler, University Paul Sabatier (Toulouse 3), France
Anbang Xu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Helen Sharp, The Open University, UK
José Campos, Universidade do Minho, Portugal