Welcome to the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. We are pleased you have joined us for the 32nd ACM CHI conference. Please note: the Press Office is located in room 810 of the Metro Toronto Convention Centre and is open from 8:30 - 17:00.
Rosemary W. Stevens
CHI 2014 Publicity Coordinator
(650) 494-2800
- Monday Media Advisory, 28 April 2014
- Tuesday Media Advisory, 29 April 2014
- Wednesday Media Advisory, 30 April 2014
- Thursday Media Advisory, 1 May 2014
Monday Media Advisory, 28 April 2014
Here’s a glimpse of Monday’s events:
Margaret Atwood, world-famous writer, high-tech entrepreneur and inventor, will offer an opening keynote on 28 April with a talk entitled Robotics in my Work and Life. Ms. Atwood received the Arthur C. Clark Award for Science Fiction.
See press release about Ms. Atwood’s presentation
The following “press-only” events have been planned for you to help facilitate the gathering of information about the future of human-computer interaction:
Wearable Computing Exhibit preview from 13:00 - 14:00, Room 803AB
The Wearable Computing Exhibit represents an extensive collection of on-body and wearable devices that reflect the evolution of electronic textiles, advances in battery life, on-body interfaces and head mounted displays. The exhibit materials begin in 2001 and continue to the present is curated by Thad Starner and Clint Zeagler of Georgia Institute of Technology.
Interactivity (Interactive Demonstrations and Performances) preview from 16:00 - 17:00 Exhibit Hall E
Interactivity is a highly immersive program that features 63 hands-on demonstrations and performances. Interactivity is an opportunity to fully engage at a personal level by touching, squeezing, hearing, or even smelling interactive visions for the future. They come as prototypes, demos, artworks, design experiences as well as inspirational technologies. Interactivity promotes and provokes discussion about the role of technology by actively engaging attendees one-by-one.
Privacy and Security
New research and ideas on how to control who reads my email and collects my data.
- Panel: Electronic Privacy and Surveillance will discuss the usability of privacy tools, how to design interactive technologies with privacy as a primary consideration while incorporating user-design practices.
- Paper: Necessary, Unpleasant and Disempowering: Reputation Management in the Internet Age
- Note: Effects of Security Warnings and Instant Gratification Cues on Attitudes Toward Mobile Websites
- Paper: The Effect of Developer-Specified Explanations for Permission Requests on Smartphone User Behavior
Hacker Spaces
Human-Computer Interaction innovation in Do-It-Yourself communities.
- Paper: Hackerspaces, Making and Breaking
- Paper: Emerging Sites of HCI Innovation: Hackerspaces, Hardware, Startups and Incubators
- Note: “Now That’s Definitely a Proper Hack”: Self-Made Tools in Hackerspaces
- Paper: Do-It-Yourself Cellphones: An Investigation into the Possibilities and Limits of High-Tech DIY
Social Media
New research on the effects of social media on real communities.
Health and Well Being New human-computer interaction strategies for maintaining or improving health.
- Paper: Persuasive Technologies in the Real World: A Study of Long-Term Use of Activity Sensing Devices for Fitness
- Note: Predictors of Life Satisfaction based on Daily Activities from Mobile Sensor Data
New research guiding the development of future games.
- Paper: Altering Gameplaying Behavior using Stereoscopic 3D Vision-Based Video Game Design
- Papers Session: Studying and Designing Gameplay
- Papers Session: Exploring Exergames
Technology in Developing Regions
- Transaction on CHI: Walking and the Social Life of Solar Charging in Rural Africa
Oh, and don’t forget the Monday Evening Reception and Exhibits Grand Opening!
Please let us know if we can assist you in navigating the conference and securing interviews.
Tuesday Media Advisory, 29 April 2014
Welcome to day 2 of the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. We are pleased you have joined us for the 32nd ACM CHI conference. Please note: the Press Office is located in room 810 of the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.
Here’s a glimpse of Tuesday’s events:
The following “press-only” event has been planned for you to help facilitate the gathering of information about the future of human-computer interaction:
Beyond Quantified Self: A Roundtable Discussion 12:30 - 13:30, Room 810
This special event brings organizers and presenters from the Quantified Self workshop to discuss their presentation and emerging ideas.
The People’s Bot: A Roundtable Discussion 15:30 - 16:00, Room 810
Experience an upclose and personal interaction with The People’s Bot and Nathan Matias.
Tuesday’s Conference Sessions Include:
Presentations of Special Interest
- Paper: CHI 2039: Speculative Research Visions offers the opportunity to consider how visions of the future influence today’s research. Room 717 AB
- Big Data for Social Good. Nathan Eagle, co-founder and CEO of Jana Mobile Inc., speaks about the vast information now available from data generated from human movements, transactions and communication patterns with everyday technologies such as mobile phones and credit cards.
Social Media
New research on the effects of social media on real communities.
- Paper: KnowMe and ShareMe: Understanding Automatically Discovered Personality Traits from Social Media and User Sharing Preferences
- Papers Session: Crowds and Creativity
- Papers Session: Social Media and Health
Health and Well Being
New human-computer interaction strategies for maintaining or improving health.
- Papers Session: Quantified-Selfer
- Papers Session: Social Media and Health
Designing for Children
User interface design with children in mind.
Public Presentation of Wearables, Interactivity and Video Showcase / Tuesday Night:
In case you just want a peek of the conference, come and experience the Interactivity hands-on exhibits, Wearable Technology exhibits and Video Showcase on Tuesday, 29 April, from 17:30 - 19:30 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Admission $10. This special event provides an opportunity to glance at the past and future of interactive technologies.
As your articles are published, please send us links to add to the Media Clips section of the CHI 2014 press area - http://chi2014.acm.org/press/media-clippings
And, please let us know if we can assist you in navigating the conference and securing interviews.
Wednesday Media Advisory, 30 April 2014
Welcome to day 3 of the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. We are pleased you have joined us for the 32nd ACM CHI conference. This year’s press room is located in room 810 of the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.
Here’s a glimpse of Wednesday’s Conference Sessions:
Special Presentations
John “Scooter” Morris, of the University of California at San Francisco, speaks about A CHI Story – past, present and the next chapters. As a bioinformatician and hard-core hacker, Morris has contributed significant work to develop and support SIGCHI conferences and the field of human-computer interaction. He will report on his involvement with CHI from 1985 through 2014.
Gillian Crampton Smith, an Interface Design expert with the University of Applied Sciences, Potsdam, receives the Lifetime Practice Award and speaks about “Design: No Longer an Optional Extra.” Her presentation will address the importance of designing the interaction between people, devices, systems and services.
Privacy and Security
New research and ideas on how to control who reads my email and collects my data.
- Paper: Leakiness and Creepiness in App Space: Perceptions of Privacy and Mobile App Use
- Paper: A Field Trial of Privacy Nudges for Facebook
- Paper: Using Personal Examples to Improve Risk Communication for Security and Privacy Decisions
The Physical Web
New research on interacting with computers using ordinary objects.
- Transaction on CHI: Tangible Interactions and Technologies
Social Media
New research on the effects of social media on real communities.
Health and Well Being
New human-computer interaction strategies for maintaining or improving health.
- Paper: Real-time Feedback for Improving Medication Taking
- Paper: Don’t Forget your Pill! Designing Effective Medication Reminder Apps That Support Users’ Daily Routines
- Papers Session: Interactive Technologies for Rehabilitation
- Paper: Jogging with Technology: Interaction Design Supporting Sport Activities
New research guiding the development of future games.
Designing for Children
User interface design with children in mind
- Special Interest Group: Child Computer Interaction Special Interest Group: Towards Sustainable Thinking and Being
- Course: Including Children in Technology Design Processes: Techniques and Practices
As your articles are published, please send us links to add to the Media Clips section of the CHI 2014 press area - http://chi2014.acm.org/press/media-clippings
And, please let us know if we can assist you in navigating the conference and securing interviews.
Thursday Media Advisory, 1 May 2014
Welcome to the 4th and final day of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. We are pleased you have joined us for the 32nd ACM CHI conference. This year’s press room is located in room 810 of the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.
Here’s a glimpse of Thursday’s conference sessions:
Special Presentation
Elizabeth Churchill, Director of HCI at eBay Research Labs, presents Reasons to be Cheerful, Part 4. She will discuss the emerging landscape of mediated interaction and offer examples of engaging Internet experiences.
The Physical Web
Closing Keynote: The Physical Web will be presented by Scott Jenson, technology leader at Google. His talk will discuss the network of things, a future in which many devices, such as wall switches and lightbulbs, will be able to join the network and be controllable remotely.
New research on interacting with computers using ordinary objects.
- Transaction on CHI: Tangible Interactions and Technologies
- Paper: The Glass Class: Designing Wearable Interfaces
Health and Well Being
New human-computer interaction strategies for maintaining or improving health.Paper: Persuasive Technology for Overcoming Food Cravings and Improving Snack Choices
Technology in Developing Regions
Casestudy: Challenges at the Bottom of the Pyramid: An Ethnographic Study of South African Mobile Users
As your articles are published, please send us links to add to the Media Clips section of the CHI 2014 press area - http://chi2014.acm.org/press/media-clippings